ColVis example Column button callback

By default ColVis will use the information in the th cell for each column as the button name to use in ColVis, which might not always be what you want (for example you might has HTML in the cell that you don't want in the button). The label callback provides the ability to customise the label used for the button.

In this example the column index is prefixed to the column title.

NamePositionOfficeAgeStart dateSalary
NamePositionOfficeAgeStart dateSalary
Airi Satou Accountant Tokyo 33 2008/11/28 $162,700
Angelica Ramos Chief Executive Officer (CEO) London 47 2009/10/09 $1,200,000
Ashton Cox Junior Technical Author San Francisco 66 2009/01/12 $86,000
Bradley Greer Software Engineer London 41 2012/10/13 $132,000
Brenden Wagner Software Engineer San Francisco 28 2011/06/07 $206,850
Brielle Williamson Integration Specialist New York 61 2012/12/02 $372,000
Bruno Nash Software Engineer London 38 2011/05/03 $163,500
Caesar Vance Pre-Sales Support New York 21 2011/12/12 $106,450
Cara Stevens Sales Assistant New York 46 2011/12/06 $145,600
Cedric Kelly Senior Javascript Developer Edinburgh 22 2012/03/29 $433,060
Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries

The Javascript shown below is used to initialise the table shown in this example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').DataTable( {
        "dom": 'C<"clear">lfrtip',
        "colVis": {
            "label": function ( index, title, th ) {
                return (index+1) +'. '+ title;
    } );
} );

In addition to the above code, the following Javascript library files are loaded for use in this example: